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How To Download Fa-icon-facebook

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How To Fix Missing Font Awesome Icons Or Custom Fonts

There are a few scenarios when Font Awesome icons or Custom Fonts might not show up. Read below to see the most common causes of this issue.

Fonts Hosted On Different Domain

All browsers require fonts to be hosted on the same domain (and a sub-domain is considered a separate domain name). If your Font Awesome Icons or custom fonts are not showing up in a certain browser (mainly Firefox or IE), then you have two solutions for the issue.

1. Host the font on the same domain as the domain where the website is accessed.

2. Create or edit the .htaccess file in the root folder on the same domain where the fonts are hosted, and add the following code into it:

Detailed Steps:

To create or edit your .htaccess file, you need to log in to your server via FTP or through your cPanel File Manager, and find the root folder of your WordPress installation (you can see the 'wp-admin', 'wp-content' etc folders there). If there is already a .htaccess file there, you can right click and edit it directly on the server if you are using File Manager. If you are using FTP, you will need to download it, edit it and then upload it. (In Filezilla, there is a right click 'edit' and this effectively does the same thing.)

If you don't have a .htaccess file (on File Manager, make sure you have 'Show Hidden Files (dotfiles)' selected in the Settings Menu), then you will need to create one, add the code above, and upload it. You can do this in any text editor. For a more step by step tutorial, read this!

Edit your .htaccess file

Font Awesome Subsets Not Selected

Another scenario when the Font Awesome icons do not show, is when no Font Awesome font subset is selected in the Theme Features section of the Theme Options (Avada > Theme Options > Advanced > Theme Features > Font Awesome). Ensure at least one subset is selected.

FontAwesome Subsets

After Site Migration

In some cases, when users migrate sites, the Font Awesome files can still show a path to the old site, and this causes the font to now show. Resetting the Fusion Caches easily fixes this (Avada > Theme Options > Performance > Reset Fusion Caches).

Reset Fusion Caches
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